
The Bests

What is the best day of your life? What is the best night of your life? Is it something so memorable you don’t need to think about it? Prior to this time last year, it would’ve taken me quite a while to look back on my life and identify these times.  The answer is not… Continue reading The Bests


A Restaurant Review: The Green Gallery in Yangon, Myanmar

​Our last night in Yangon was American Thanksgiving. Depressed about the lack of turkey and binge eating in my life, I decided to drown my sorrows in beer. We wandered down 19th Street to find some drinks and dinner. Here we found an outdoor restaurant with 750 kyat (that’s about $0.57) Myanmar draft beer. Thanks,… Continue reading A Restaurant Review: The Green Gallery in Yangon, Myanmar

discoverglobe · travel · Uncategorized · wanderlust

Three Spectacular Weeks in the Thai Islands of Krabi, Koh Phi Phi, Tonsai Beach, and Koh Lanta (and One Week in Bangkok Which Was Fine)-Part 2 

Think you’re ready to leave Tonsai? Doubt it, because I ended up back there two more times, but okay! Jump on the ferry boat for 400 baht to the famous party island of Koh Phi Phi. I thought I would hate Koh Phi Phi because it would be too party-party and filled with 18 year… Continue reading Three Spectacular Weeks in the Thai Islands of Krabi, Koh Phi Phi, Tonsai Beach, and Koh Lanta (and One Week in Bangkok Which Was Fine)-Part 2